
Why we expect genetic differences between populations to be zero

We expect the genetic difference between two (or an arbitrary number of) groups that diverged from some common ancestral population to be zero under neutrality. This is a well-known result that I feel like isn’t discussed enough, especially in discussions around mean differences in traits such as IQ and educational attainment.

Heritability (3): Non-additive effects dominance

Dominance is a just a fancy-schmancy way of saying that the phenotypic effects of alleles at a single locus are not additive 💁‍♂️. Ok, but what does that mean?

What your genetic ancestry test can and cannot tell you about your genealogical ancestors

The topic of this post was not on my radar 📡 but I don’t live under a rock and I’ve been following the recent developments with Elizabeth Warren and her much publicized ancestry results.

Heritability (2): narrow and broad sense heritability

Quick recap: I mentioned last time that heritability = Vg / Vp, where Vg is the genetic variance among individuals and Vp is the total phenotypic difference among individuals. Furthermore, Vp = Vg + Ve, where Ve is the environmental variance contributing to phenotypic differences.

Heritability (1): How 'genetic' is a trait?

One of the reasons I’ve come to write about this is because recently I’ve been asked a lot about “how genetic is this trait or that trait?”. And I find myself responding with another question (yeah I’m that guy , get over it): “What do you mean by genetic?